해외에서 보는 이병헌 사태
Lee Byung Hun under fire for luring girl into bed
a 22 year old is not a girl lol. She is a grown ass women who could also be a
gold digger. WTF crying over a breakup to the police?! Korea surely is diffrent
then the rest of the world.
22이나 먹은여자는 girl (소녀)가 아니지 하하...그녀는 다 자란 성인여자고 돈을 바라고 있어. 젠장.. 헤어ㅤㅈㅕㅅ다고 경찰서
간거야? 한국은 이 세상과는 너무나 다른 이상한 곳이구나 .
wut the eff!
that’s kind of sad.
말도 안돼는 일이 일어낫다..
ayyy york u stand uppp
Woah, that’s crazy. Especially since Toronto is really close to me.
Can we say SPURNED and GOLD DIGGER? Sh*t happens in relationships, she’s
gotta deal with it…stuff like this happens all the time, silly woman!
sounds like this girl is desperate for attention!
Toronto eh? That’s where I am!
what what! Canada! Toronto! York!
뭐라고? 카나다 토론토 요크 으으윽
oh and yeah sucks to be them…
거기 사는사람 좆ㅤㄷㅙㅅ다.
so what if she suffered emotionally? That’s called the dating world. Wise
up ,girl
I see more fault with the girl. Sounds like she latched on to him because he
was famous. 3 months is enough time for a relationship. Bottom line is, this
just sounds like a bad breakup. Happens all the time. Get over it.
아주 안좋은 케이스네.. 관둬라 이젠..
feels like a fake news…
BS…shes a golddigger. Evidence or Bust!!
이거 완전 말도 안돼는 소리야.. 이여자 돈에 미ㅤㅊㅕㅅ어.. 너 딱 걸렷다.
sorry but why is she so hurt? she is a grown woman who is responsible for her
own actions and decisions. NO man can trick a woman into bed, it’s usually the
other way around. he just broke up with her. he didn’t rape her, it seemed like
it was consensual from this article. first, she dated a hot guy, then she got
$10,000 dollars out of the whole deal. i would’ve flown back to Canada and had a
little shopping spree. but, that’s just me.
침대로 꼬셔서 가는일은 없어.이병헌은 그냥 이여자랑 헤어진것 뿐. 강간한것도 아니고..뭔가 기사가 잘못된건 아닌지.. 그녀는 멋진 hot 한
남자랑 데이트 햇고.. 그런데 돈을 달라니..
why in the world she had to sue now?! That happened on 08. Duh, its almost
‘10! She’s just an attention-seeker.
Gold digger
That’s what she is.
돈바라는 x .관심 받을려는 x. 바로 이 여자의 실체.
the situation is not as simple as it may seem, but both parties are probably
at fault to a certain extent. boo for bad news
i agree with 6.
like srsly? you are going to sue a guy just because he doesn’t like you
anymore? that is ridiculous -__-”
헤어ㅤㅈㅕㅅ다고 소송하는거야? 완전 말도 안되는 개소리.
so she said ok lets F*&K ...ok….now..lets get married?....he said
ok..lies..to shut u tha hell up!....he prob saw she was a golddigger and dumped
her..after she called for a Dolce&Gabbana; bag lmao
그니깐 이여자가 그래 fukk하자.. 응.. 그리고 결혼하자.. 그리고 그가 응.. 거짓말.. 이랫다고? 아마도 이병헌이 이 여자가
돈밝히고 접근 한고 알고 찬거겟지. 이여자가 돌체랑 가바나를 사달라고 한 바로 직후에 하하하하하하하.
what a sexy beast he is
why’d he pay her all the money though? i’m kinda confused now. but i still
woulda had the shopping spree.
What the fuck?
Seriously, I think this is a situation that happens to most
people and I’m sure they haven’t resorted to such things unless there were other
circumstances involved. That is such a bullshit lawsuit.
Why is Korea
starting to sound like Hollywood?
진짜로 이런건 흔한일이고. 이거 말고 다른거랑 연관되어 잇을때 일뿐이지. 이런 소송은 말도 안돼는 짓이야. 왜 항상 한국은 헐리웃같이
들리지? (현실세게에서 일어나지 않는 일이 지금 한국에서 일어낫다는 뜻)
난 차엿다고 불평하지도 않을거야 아ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ. 난 너무 이병헌과 같이 있을 수만 있다면 감사하게 생각할거야
wtf I cant edit my post? anyway
I AGREE @12 it SUCKS for her but shes tripping, she obviously exaggerated
the situation. I doubt anyone would waste so much time and money on booty.
sounds a whiny teen complaining about their ex
She has interesting timing.
And this is just HER side of the story. Supposing what she said is true, LBH
might have had a good reason for “dumping” her.
@52 - agreed! xD
이건 이여자 말일 뿐이고 아마도 이병헌이 이여자를 찰만한 충분한 이유가 있었겟지.
she just wants his money
이여자는 돈만 원하는거야
WTF? I don’t believe it. I need proof before I ever believe in this piece of
bull. And just to let her know… It’s called getting DUMPED. Live with it. =__=;
난 이 기사 믿을수가 없어. 이런 일이 일어낫다는게 믿기질 않아. 이 여자야 넌 그냥 차엿어.. 그래서 어쩌라고. 받아들여.
Psychotic girl got DUMPED
Skanks they have nothing else to do with their lives you can’t get
compensation for being naive in a relationship…some ppl
창*들이 할짓이 없어서 ....
@50, it does seem like hollywood. in early days, we all acted like korean
celebrities were virgins until they married. but now everybody’s getting
pregnant out of wedlock, sleeping with people, having dirty perverted concerts,
and sleeping with under aged prostitutes. well, not everybody but more than the
ones in 2000. but just know the end of the world is coming when sex tapes make
you more popular in korea like paris hilton and kim kardashian in america.
결혼전에 처녀인척햇었지. 근데 요즘은.. 아니쟎아.
Well here’s the problem here: The sponsor of Lee Byung Hun, Chairman A told
me, “I will let you continue your career in athletics as well as academics by
supporting you through college, so leave Canada for Korea to live with Lee Byung
Since when did LBH actually say “Come and live with me in Korea.”? Next,
don’t just pack your bags and go, actually ask if he wants you to move in with
Seriously, if she was 16 or something…then yeah. LBH, it’s all your fault.
But 22? Money? You got 10 grand from him and now you want 100,000 more? Gold
digger and a clingy ex. Double Yuck.
*sigh* Typical breakup turned clingy-ex. Ew. Clingy Exes suck.
도대체 언제 이병헌이 너보고 한국에 오라고 햇다고 그러는거야. 그리고 너가 짐싸고 한국으로 간거지. 이 여자가 16살정도였다면 뭐 말이
되지만.. 그치만 22살? 돈???
maybe she made it up people do lie for money!!
OOO-kay. Lee Byung Hun can have almost any girl he wants. So why the hell
would he choose to TOY with her of ALL PEOPLE???
Does not make sense to me.
말이 전혀 안돼
well baby, at least he gives you 10000, the other guy just left!!!! yeah, if
she wanna go to court, go for a higher price, so she could pay the best lawyer
existed. felt sorry for her and her career.
Is she really trying to sue him for breaking up with her? xDDDDD
lol, what a BS story.
sounds like a psychotic girl desperate for attention
and money!
obviously fake. Typical story of an attention/ money seeker..
딱 보니 가짜 x 이네 전형적인 돈뜯어내기.. 관심받기 수법.
HAHA what an idiot. sucks to be her. she should have been smart and stayed in
at least you got to sleep with lee byung hun. nice.
wth, 22 and you get lured in. More like you were willing and wanted money.
22살.. 그리고 꾀임에 빠ㅤㅈㅕㅅ다.. 하하 누가 그걸 믿어.. 아마도 너는 일부로 접근햇고 돈을
it is unbelievable. fucking funny tho? want to know the next news about this
she’s freaking retarded…she’s basically suing him because he dumped
her…Nothing illegal about it lmfao! “I SUE YOU FOR BEING EMO”. sorry. dont work
완전 덜떨어진 x이다. 그녀는 차엿다고 고소했네.법적으로 잘못 된게 하나도 없어 하하하.. 나는 너가 emo(혼자서
아무 이유없이 자학하는 사이코등으로 쓰이는 말)로 고소하겟다.. 앙...
Silly girl… why is she butt-hurt when she was the one that gave it all away
for free… lesson in gold digging 101… don’t put out til you get what you want…
It’s quite obvious he called it off after finding out that she’s a major
멍청한 여자.. 지가 줘놓고.. 그니깐 돈밝히는데에 대한 교훈.. 분명한건말야.. 이여자가 싸이코라는것을 이병헌이 알고 헤어진거란 거야.
이런일이 가능하긴 한거야?
Some people can’t handle, eh?
You wanna make a person miserable,
you don’t sue them. -_-’ That’s lame.
You get even. If she wanted to get back
at him, become famous.
Suing only makes you look bad.
....everyone’s so serious….
He can lure me into bed anytime….
But honestly, sucks if it’s true…sorta…i’d like to feel bad, but I don’t
get why girls are so dumb? Plus, i’ve heard worse…at least he paid for her
apartment and plane ticket and so on…
He’s a huge douche if it’s true, but she’s also an idiot.
이 여자 왜 이렇게 멍청하지? 적어도 이병헌이 아파트값 내 ㅤㅈㅝㅅ네. 정말 이병헌이 이여자한테 이정도로 해ㅤㅈㅝㅅ다면 이병헌 정말 멋진
남자야. 이여자는 그냥 ㅄ
This girl is absolutely crazy. I don’t think it’s a good idea to call
yourself a “minor”. Since you’re not young anymore. And surely $100 000 is quite
alot. On the side note, York isn’t that far from where i live
않는데 어린척.. 넌 더이상 어리지 않아. 그리고 말야 이여자가 사는곳 과 내가 사는곳이 멀지도 않아 (가까이 살아서 기 분나뿌다는 뉘앙스)
Woman needs to go cry in a corner. He found you out, hun, get over it. If
anything, you hurt him emotionally. He even sent you some money, hoping to end
it with a “normal girl”, not a golddigger.
너한테 약간의 돈이라도 ㅤㅈㅛㅎ쟎니... 이병헌이 이번엔 돈밝히는 여자 아닌 '정상적인 여자'를 만나길 바랄뿐이다.
i feel bad for the girl but suing someone cause they broke up with you? o_O
mmhmmm….i smell a gold digger.
hoshit me and her go to the same university.
Looks like someone got sick of putting up with someone else’s crap.
---------------------후지tv 방송후의견---------
what a whiny little gold digger….geeze. She is
no “victim”, she’s just trying to get money out of the guy.
돈바라고 있군 이여자는 희생자 가 아니고 이병헌한테서 돈을 바라고 있다.
this girl really has to and get alife. i mean
come on if a relationship is finished then go futher with ur life then gish
stupid girl
이여자 삶이 없군. 관계가 끝나면 다음으로 나가야지 . 이 멍청한 여자야.
wow this girl really has a plan huh? she spread this in Korea and then
followed him to Japan and did spreading again…just wow… what she said is typical
lines everyone says when they are in relationship.
이여자가 말하는것은 일반적 사귈때 사용하는 말들일 뿐이야 그게 뭐 어떻다고..
OMG the girl need to get a life. Nothing will change,
u can totally tell that she’s a money lover.
OMG the girl need to get a life.
Nothing will change, u can totally tell that she’s a money lover.
이여자는 돈을 사랑해
attention seeker and gold digger…
if she just wanted an apology…she
shouldn’t have take things so far…
interview on TV bout it…
돈과 관심 끌려구 그러는구나. 만약 이여자가 정말 사과를 원한다면.. 일을 이렇게가지 크게 벌리면 안되지. tv 에 인터뷰까지
ok this is seriously stupid, just because someone telll you they’ll love you
forever or blah blah that doesn’t mean he’ll get marry with you, also just
because he had sexual relationship with you doesn’t you guys will end up marry
what an idiot, that’s how some relationships goes like, but i guess she’s just
trying to get attention, some relationships is like that so i don’t understand
what can be wrong for what he did
이여자 한심함.. 어떤 사람이 영원히 사랑한다고 해서 ... 성관계를 한다고 해서 결혼하자는게 아니쟎아.. 이 바보야 ... 원래 사람
사귈때 그렇지 않니?
she really needs to get over it and hop off his nuts
seriously she’s
starting to bug me
people like her really need to get lives and get over
i’ve been through more than that and so should i go sue the previous guys
for treating me the way they did and causing emotional damage to me too? wtf she
makes no sense. goodness gracious.
This chick sounds like a gold digger. I don’t really think Lee Byung Hun is
at fault. 3 months, they went out, it didn’t work out…and they broke up. She’s
crying wah wah wah, cause they broke up. It happens, get over it!
이여자는 좀 관두고 이병헌에서 떨어져.
짱나는 여자
나는 이 여자 일보다 더 한일도 겪었는데 나도 그럼 소송해야 겠네? 뭐야 이여자 말하는게 하나도 말이 안돼. 세상에. 돈을 바라는거겟지
Hmm…idk I’m still thinking she’s just out for
돈과 관심 받을려고 저러는거 같은데?
whats wrong with this girl!!!
its your choice to move here even if LBH told you to do so!! Whats the big deal
of this.. I dont get it at all…. its called love life… he didnt propose
He said that he loved her and she was “special” doesnt mean he proposed
you.. really? REALLY ? seriously?? get over it girl !!!
이여자 너 뭐가 잘못된거니.
너가 원해서 거기로 간거고 이병헌이 오라고 해서 갓더라도. 그래서 그게 뭐. 도대체 이해가 안되네. 그게 사랑이야. 그는 너에게 프로프즈 한게
아니라니깐? 특별하다고 얘기한건 청혼한게 아니야. 응????? 응?? 응?? 좀 그만둬 줄래?
I still think this is getting kinda out of hand..
I mean.. he broke up..
it happens to everyone >_> doesn’t matter if its a celebrity or not. would
you still go and make a big deal if it was just a regular person =\?
헤어ㅤㅈㅕㅅ구.. 그런건 누구한테나 일어나. 근데 만약 이병헌이 아니라도 이 여자가 이렇게 할까?
she just wants to get screen time & money..what a biotch
이여자는 단지 돈을 원하고 방송이 타고 싶은거야~
heck she jumps to conclusions too much -___- sure he hurt you, but you have
to learn to move on and not blackmail ppl =_=
이여자는 맘대로 말을 만드네.. 그래.. 이병헌이 널 상처 줬어. 그니깐 넌 그걸 잊고 앞으로 나가면 되는거야. 뒷통수 치지
that girl just wants his money.
이여자는 병헌의 돈을 원해
that girl is waay to clingy.
i mean, if he broke up with you, it’s
she’s like those ex girlfriends in korean dramas D:
이여자는 좀 심하게 구질구질한걸.
그니깐 차였다고.. 응.. 그래서 뭐 끝났네.
넌 전 여친이네. 별거 아니구만.
that girl is weird… poor him o_O
이여자 좀 이상하네... 이병헌 불쌍타..
“Even though he never asked her for marriage, she took the last comment as a
proposal to her” yeah its all in her head
geez she read too much into it. a bit of a psycho if
i do say so myself…
말을 막 비트네.. 이여자.. 싸이코 같은데???
pshhhh. why should he say sorry? cuz he broke up with her? NO ONE BELIEVES
omg this is going on way to long
shes mis representing canada lol
너무 심한데.. 이여자는 카나다를 욕먹이고 있어
so ridiculous. hes too hot for this..
Wow this girl needs to seriously get over the break up and MOVE ON. Jeez.
It’s her choice to go out with him and it’s also HER choice to move in with him
and engage in a sexual relationship. It’s not like he threatened her. Stop
making yourself look bad, girl.
이젠 그만 관두고 너 삶을 살아. 너가 간것도 너 선택이고 성관계도 이병헌이 강요한것도 아니쟎니. 더이상 너를 추하게 보이게 하지
is this girl dumb or just naive? Any bf would say his gf is special and wants
to be w/ her forever when they’re at that stage in a relationship. it doesnt
necessarily mean ‘i’m going to marry you.’
“Even though he never asked her for marriage, she took the last comment as a
proposal to her. She stated she moved to Korea to be with him because of this
and engaged in a sexual relationship.”
This goes against her last statement where apparently LBH’s sponsor promised
money and support and asked her to move to korea. That was the reason why she
went to korea?
She needs to get her story straight. She even dragged her mother into this.
Her mother actually had an interview where the mom basically cussed LBH out for
taking advantage of her daughter and treating her like a prostitute. -____-;;
The fckin daughter had sex with him cause she wanted to! and they had a
relationship, not a one night stand! Stop being in denial…..
"""""이병헌 스폰서가 도와주겟다고 해서 가고 특별하다고 했고 그걸 결혼의미로 받아들이고 """"
이여자는 말좀 빙빙 돌리지 말고 똑바로 할 필요가 있어. 이젠 지 엄마까지 끌어들였네. 이여자가 성을 원해서 성관계 한것뿐이라고.
She wants money and attention not an apology >=O
Grrr ~ ! Stupid woman
! She was the one that chose to assume that ‘I want to be with you forever’
meant ‘I want to marry you’. These 2 sentences are obviously completely
different so she shouldn’t blame it on others if he said he wasn’t gonna marry
her coz he never said he was going to ~ ! ^^
이여자는 사과를 바라는게 아냐. 돈을 바라는거지 ㅋㅋ
영원히 하자는게 어떻게 결혼 하자는 의미니?
she’s utterly ridiculous. HE DUMPED YOU, GET OVER IT. IT HAPPENS.
한심한여자.. 넌 차였고.. 응.. 이젠 그만 관둬. 항상 생기는 일이구만.
Now that’s what i call DRAMA!!! She needs to get over it!! Everyone gets
break ups! Just leave him alone
모든 사람이 헤어지고 차여. 이병헌좀 가만 놔둬
okay he never promised her anything…almost every girl at one point has been
told by her boyfriend he wants to be forever…jeez get over it…your not a
freaking little girl so deal with rejection you gold digger.
청혼도 하지
않았고.. 관둬.. 넌 어리지도 않는데 어린척좀 그만 둬. 이 돈벌래
UGH, I’m so tired of this lady.
She needs to get the heck over it, she’s
obviously total scum.
Poor girl needs to realize she’s making a HUGE fool of
herself and quit, fast!
Lee Byung-Hun forever <3333
she’d forget and move onnn. but nooooo.
이젠 잊어버리고 앞으로
that girl needs to stop
so stupid
이여자는 이런 멍청한 일을 관둬야
This girl is crazy! She needs psycological help. If she took a 3 month
realtionship that serious then she has some self esteem issues. This girl is
some what not happy with herself.
이여자는 미쳣구 정신 상담을 받아야해. 자기가 특별하다고 생각하는
병이걸린듯. 이여자는 자신를 먼저 사랑해야 하는 법을 배워야할듯.
Haha. Unfounded. And if it is true who gives a crap. Stop wasting people’s
time, whore!